Corona 2020, Spanish Flu 1920, Cholera 1820, Plague in 1720 – same pattern!

coronavirus china epidemic pattern

Every hundred years there seems to be a large pandemic, 1720 Plague, 1820 cholera outbreak & 1920 Spanish Flu. The pandemics mentioned above seem to follow the same pattern as today’s viral epidemic Corona in 2020.

However, history has really repeated itself, has this corona virus been deliberately spread by an organization? Below I will write a bit about the history of these pandemics:

1720: The Great Plague of Marseille: 100,000 deaths

In 1720 there was the last pandemic of large-scale bubonic plague, also called The Great Plague of Marseille. Records show that the bacterium killed around 100,000 people in Marseille.
It is assumed that the bacterium was spread by flies infected with this bacterium.

the great plague of marseille
The Great Plague of Marseille: The researchers estimated the number of deaths as 100,000.

1820: Cholera Pandemic: 100,000 deaths

The first recordings of a cholera pandemic occurred in 1820, which took place in Asia, in the countries of Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines. In the year 1820, there are registered over 100,000 deaths in Asia caused by this bacterium. The pandemic is supposed to have started from people who drank water from lakes contaminated with this bacterium.

cholera of 1820
In 1820 the first cholera pandemic occurred, somewhere in Asia. About 100,000 officially registered deaths. The main reason for the infection is the consumption of water from lakes infested with this killer bacterium.

1920: The Spanish Flu: 100,000,000 Death

The Spanish Flu took place 100 years ago, at that time people were dealing with the H1N1 flu virus that had suffered a genetic mutation making it much more dangerous than the normal virus. This virus infected 500 million people and killed over 100 million people worldwide, this pandemic was the deadliest in recorded history.

spanish flu of 1920
In 1920 one of the most unrelenting pandemics occurred. This is the Spanish flu that has infected about half a billion people and killed 100 million.

2020: The Corona Virus: 3,066,044 deaths so far

It seems that history repeats itself every 100 years, is this just a coincidence? Nowadays China is facing a pandemic of large proportions, 5 cities in China with a population of 11 million inhabitants are quarantined, completely isolated from the rest of the world.

Coronavirus, the virus that was originated in China has already killed many people, despite efforts by the government and other institutions to quarantine entire cities, it seems that the virus has managed to spread beyond borders.

corona virus outbreak 2020
The Chinese authorities were subsequently forced to quarantine approximately 35 million inhabitants.

Corona Virus FAQ – All you need to know about Corona Virus

Common Symptoms of Coronavirus:
The symptoms of most coronaviruses are similar to any other upper-respiratory infection, including runny nose, coughing, sore throat, and sometimes a fever. In most cases, you won’t know whether you have a coronavirus or a different cold-causing virus, such as rhinovirus.

Most people will become infected with at least one coronavirus in their life. It is said that the mutating abilities of the coronavirus are what make it so contagious. To prevent transmission, be sure to stay at home and rest while experiencing symptoms and avoid close contact with other people.

There is no cure, so treatments include taking care of yourself and over-the-counter (OTC) medication:
– Rest and avoid overexertion.
– Drink enough water.
– Avoid smoking and smoky areas.
– Take acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce pain and fever.
– Use a clean humidifier or cool mist vaporizer.

Infection of humans with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) results in substantial morbidity and mortality, with death resulting primarily from respiratory failure. While the lungs are the major site of infection, the brain is also infected in some patients.

Infection of humans with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) results in substantial morbidity and mortality, with death resulting primarily from respiratory failure. While the lungs are the major site of infection, the brain is also infected in some patients.

Most cases of canine coronavirus are contracted by oral contact with infected fecal matter. A dog may also become infected by eating from contaminated food bowls or by direct contact with an infected dog. Crowding and unsanitary conditions lead to coronavirus transmission.

Most household disinfectants readily kill coronavirus immediately. Room temperature kills coronavirus within 48 hours. Carpeting is protective to the virus and the virus is able to survive in carpeting for at least 7 weeks.

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