Scientist Shofdor Ali is a fictional scientist created by Dr. Muhammed Zafar Iqbal (1952–) as a Science Fiction book in 1992. By occupation, Shofdor Ali is an inventor. His best friend is a guy named Mr. Zafar Iqbal.
Shofdor Ali has his own home laboratory at Shyamoli, Dhaka where he researches for loads of new and fantastic inventions to ease up his daily activities. Being extremely eccentric, he doesn’t even know some of his inventions are not new – but he keeps building things at his own pace.
Shofdor Ali’s extraordinary inventions are:
Attention Booster Medicine
A liquid syrup that boosts attention
Baghbondi Oil
An oil to keep away predators
Barking Bell
Electric Calling Door Bell with dog-barking-sound to frighten out people. He is extremely eccentric and hates socializing.
Clapping Light Switch
Lamps turn on if clapped
Egg Hatching Incubator
To incubate 500 eggs at a time
Electric Back Scratching Robot Spider
A spider with eight nerve sensors, which scratches the back whenever required
Feather plucking tablet
A medicine if fed to chickens, plucks out all feathers automatically
Jhaldhongsho Tablet
A tablet that converts spicy foods to less spicy food without diminishing the flavour
Jilapi Cooler
A torchlight shaped device with needles that cools down Jilapis with fans in just 10 seconds
Machh Gulli: Fish Tablet
Mangsho Gulli: Meat Tablet
Shobji Gulli: Vegetable Tablet
Shasthya Gulli: Nutrition Tablet, An all day food tablet
Nichrome Wired Shirt
To dry shirts after rain
Plants on wheels
Using sensing probes and a microprocessor, plants drives vehicles and finds sunlight
Stun Gun
Small electric gun that throws electric shock Tasers
Venus fly trap with electric weapon
Venus fly trap with 20000 volts so that it can kill its own prey
Vromonbondi Bag
A travel kit with all necessary items for traveling. It has a magnet, trousers with 50+ pockets, anti-snake induction coil, Stun Gun, Carbolic acid, some copper wires, Infrared glass, Anti-mosquito Ultrasonic oscillator, 6V Battery, Tent, Sleeping bags and Bhoot Tipi, Shasthya Gulli, Mouse Trap, Multi Stove, Knife, Spade, Table lamp and Saucepan
Vut Tipi
A small cassette recorder that reads Ayatul Qursi on loop
Watch Micro transmitter
A small spying microphone installed on victim’s wristwatch to listen to what he says from a remote server in real-time
Weather station cap
A cap with lights, a wireless communication device with variable frequency, an antenna and a headphone with build-in GPS connected with Satellite
Wiper for Glasses
To wipe rain water from glasses
Wireless Frequency Detector
Detects any signal sent within the range
Read about the extraordinary inventions by Professor Shonku by Satyajit Ray: