Ingress [SOLVED] 13 Archetypes 10 Alchemist | Ingress decoding solution

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Ingress 13 Archetypes 10: Alchemist

This is challenge 10, the Alchemist challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at

To test if you are compatible with the Alchemist Archetype, here is a little challenge and its rules:
1. Do not try to redeem anything in scanner until you see the word “Congratulations”.
2. Use shorteners and only lowercase letters

Decode / Solution

Ingress 13 Archetypes 10 Alchemist Solution Step 1 : POTIONS

Clearly the first step is to visit the link at tiny dot cc slash start alchemist puzzle. That link takes us to this link and gives us a JPG image like this:

The instructions are written there:

“Oops! I dropped my potion ingredients together with my 12 letter passkey. Could you help me pick it up? Once you have found the key, start at the top right of it and go clockwise.”

Potion Ingredients

If we look at the picture we can find the 8 words. Those are marked according to the color.

Now, look! The 7 letters R I H N S U O – are not connected by any words in the given list.

At this point, we have to rearrange the letters.

Rearranging R I H N S U O gives us N O U R I S H, nourish is a glyph.

Ingress 13 Archetypes 10 Alchemist Solution Step 2 : NOURISH

At this point, we have to look for what NOURISH means in the Glyph. From the site we get this image:

If we superimpose this Glyph on the main image, we see this:

Start from the Top and then go clokwise and we get the series of 12 letters in this sequence.


Go to to find the next puzzle.

Ingress 13 Archetypes 10 Alchemist Solution Step 3 : MVIKHETONSYE

It downloads a PDF (click to view original PDF), the PDF has this page.

🜖 ℥ 🜺🜺🜺🜺🜺 🜃🜃🜃🜃🜃 ℥ 🜃🜃🜃🜃🜃 🜂🜂🜂🜂 🜓🜓🜓 🜃🜃🜃🜃🜃 ℥℥℥℥℥ 🜖🜖 ⊛

These are alchemical symbols.

To decode this I downloaded the meanings from this site Omniglot.

Corresponding to the alchemical symbols, the following element names are obtained.

Vitriol appears 1 time
Ounce appears 1 time
ArseNic appears 5 times
EartH appears 5 times
Ounce appears 1 time
EartH appears 5 times
FirE appears 4 times
CinNabar appears 3 times
EartH appears 5 times
OuncE appears 5 times
VItriol appears 2 times
Magnesium appears 1 time

As the number of times the elements appear, their corresponding digit is taken, for example as Earth Symbol has appeared 5 times, we take the 5th character from E-A-R-T-H which is H, similarly in this way we get:


Go to to find the next part of the puzzle.

Ingress 13 Archetypes 10 Alchemist Solution Step 4 : vonhohenheim

Again, it downloads a PDF (click to view original PDF), the PDF has this page.

The following string is there:


Replace every second capital letter to small letter and a space and we get this, series of chemical elements.

Hg Ag Au Cu Pb Au Cu Fe Au Fe Sn Pb Ag Cu Fe Hg Pb Ag Cu Fe Pb Ag Au Fe Hg Sn Au Cu Fe Pb Ag Au Fe Hg Ag Au Cu Fe Sn Pb Hg Sn Pb Au Cu Fe Sn Pb Hg Sn Pb Ag Fe

Only 7 elements are here: Hg (mercury), Ag (silver), Au (gold), Cu (copper), Pb (lead), Fe (iron) and Sn (Tin)

Therefore, look carefully at the PDF now. The image in the PDF shows fire! So this means we have to find their melting point and arrange them according to the temperature in ascending order, and name that from A to G.

A MercuryHg-38.829 ℃
BTinSn231 ℃
CLeadPb327 ℃
DSilverAg961 ℃
EGoldAu1064 ℃
FCopperCu1084 ℃
GIronFe1538 ℃

Now copy Hg Ag Au Cu Pb Au Cu Fe Au Fe Sn Pb Ag Cu Fe Hg Pb Ag Cu Fe Pb Ag Au Fe Hg Sn Au Cu Fe Pb Ag Au Fe Hg Ag Au Cu Fe Sn Pb Hg Sn Pb Au Cu Fe Sn Pb Hg Sn Pb Ag Fe to Ms Word, and replace them (by pressing Ctrl+H) according to the following table from A to G, for example, Hg with A; Sn with B and so on.

In this way we get the following string:


According to this pattern, the previous string is to be put into 7 segment display converter at this site.

Look. We got the code, chrysopoeia13

So go to to find the next set of puzzle.

Ingress 13 Archetypes 10 Alchemist Solution Step 5 : LSB Steganography

This time, the short link takes us to a PNG image (click here to view the original PNG) similar to this png image:

So, it says, Well done not Congratulations! Also it does not have 13ar in the end.

At this point, look at the size of this image, it is 2.70 MB but the resolution is 2000 x 2667 px. So there is definitely some information hidden in this image which is LSB steganography.

LSB stands for Least Significant Bit where information is stored in PNG pictures. An image is composed of three primary colors (red, green, blue), LSB steganography modifies 1 bit from each color having 8 bits. Thus it becomes difficult to see the difference in human eyes, so the information is hidden.

So, drag and drop the downloaded 2MB image at StegOnline to decode the Steganography.

When the image is fully loaded, click on Browse Bit Planes. You will see the following image.

You will get:



Therefore, solution of the 10th challenge of Ingress 13 archetypes Alchemist passcode is xwc5hsNicolasFlamel13ar

Finally, go to and put this passcode xwc5hsNicolasFlamel13ar to get the media.

  1. Dreamer
  2. Interpreter
  3. Visionary
  4. Skeptic
  5. Listener
  6. Humanist
  7. Spiritualist
  8. Omniscient
  9. Explorer
  10. Alchemist
  11. Trickster
  12. Catalyst
  13. Patron

And click here to get more than 100 ingress passcodes that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at
Besides, Click here for the free ingress codes: