Ingress 13 Archetypes 11: Trickster
This is challenge 11, the Trickster challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at

Decode / Solution
In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a character in a story, which exhibits a great degree of intellect or secret knowledge, and uses it to play tricks or otherwise disobey normal rules and conventional behaviour. Source – Wikipedia
First look at the EXIF information for this PNG.
Go to and drop your image there.
File Type : PNG File Type Extension : png MIME Type : image/png Image Width : 966 Image Height : 2642 Bit Depth : 8 Color Type : RGB Compression : Deflate/Inflate Filter : Adaptive Interlace : Noninterlaced Title : Misty Poster "Art Nouveau" Style Image Size : 966x2642 Megapixels : 2.6
Notice that the Title information is Misty Poster "Art Nouveau" Style
Art Nouveau, or “Art Nouveau”, started in the 1880s. One of the representatives, Czech Alfons Maria Mucha, has a strong correlation with this topic.
The woman in the original picture has a large circle behind it and 7 small circles on it. The patterns are taken from Mu Xia’s 7 works, which are:
From these 7 images, we take the first letter of the above 7 works and we getMZMJFNP
In addition, there is another information in the original picture.
When we analyzed the original image using the Stegsolve tool from StegOnline mentioned in the previous puzzle, we found that there is a string of Czech characters in Gray bits:
Extracting Red2 and Green2 for XOR comparison also found:
Because this tool only displays black and white in these two modes, it does not represent a gap here, it only means that the colors are different.
Ingress 13 Archetypes 11 Trickster solution
Now we know the passcode will end as 13ar, so the combination of 4 different colors is likely to be a number, and the string should be reversed.
Put your text here at
After reversing first string wjeiréůavmóýybzvrpď we get:
This time we have to take the first letter of the above 7 works MZMJFNP
as a key code by Virginia (Vigenère cipher) decryption, we obtain:
This ends with AR! So we are in the right direction!
According to Czech numbers šest = 6
, tři = 3
, jeden = 1
to conversion, namely:
Remove the middle am
, that is:
So, ingress passcode for the 13 archetype Challenge 11 Trickster is:
Finally, go to and put this passcode to get the media.
- Dreamer
- Interpreter
- Visionary
- Skeptic
- Listener
- Humanist
- Spiritualist
- Omniscient
- Explorer
- Alchemist
- Trickster
- Catalyst
- Patron
Finally, here are hundreds of passcodes that will give you thousands of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at So click here for the free ingress codes: