Ingress [SOLVED] 13 Archetypes 13 Patron | Ingress decoding solution

Ingress 13 Archetypes challenge Patron solution Ingress decoding

To solve this, you will need all previous passcodes and then passcode of Ingress 13 archetypes decoding challenge 13 Patron by Niantic is guzyhhpuppetmaster13ar

Ingress 13 Archetypes 13: Patron

This is challenge 13, the Explorer challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at


eDDvD Patron eec e  e bdf scaled


Click to see original image from this link.

Ingress 13 Archetypes 13 Patron solution

Firstly, in this picture there are 12 small images, the original image header has four lines of strings:


So here you will see, the 12 small images are images of Media for the first 12 decoding challenges, they are arranged here below:

11 Trickster06 Humanist
02 Interpreter08 Omniscient
10 Alchemist04 Skeptic
07 Spiritual09 Explorer
12 Catalyst01 Dreamer
05 Listener03 Visionary

In the first place, all 12 puzzles have some information:

  • Dreamer (Ingress decoding challenge 1)
    • There was an Alarm clock pointing at 07:02
    • 7th and 2nd are O and W
  • Interpreter (Decoding challenge 2)
    • In the final image, except the 4 digits, there are 2 letters that use different colors. D and R
  • Visionary (Decoding challenge 3)
    • In the bottom left corner, the two italics correspond to B B
  • Skeptic (Decoding challenge 4)
    • Three intermediate puzzles figures were pink 7 9 5, according to the solution of this problem, the addition of 7+9+5 is 21 corresponding to the letterU
    • The two pink numbers of the puzzle on the right are respectively 6 9. According to the solution of this problem, ASCII is converted toE
  • Listener (Decoding challenge 5)
    • The two red notes are converted into corresponding letters according to the rules of the question. H M
  • Humanist (Decoding challenge 6)
    • In the bottom left corner, the two italics correspond to T C
  • Spiritualist (Decoding challenge 7)
    • Part 2 corresponds to the 2 green bits X M
  • Omniscient (Decoding challenge 8)
    • sv8NTnalgorithm13ar
    • The only 2 uppercase letters in Passcode are N T
  • Explorer (Decoding challenge 9)
    • The picture background was writtenR M
  • Alchemist (Decoding challenge 10)
    • xwc5hsNicolasFlamel13ar
    • The only 2 uppercase letters in Passcode are N F
  • Trickster (Decoding challenge 11)
    • The 2 letters to be removed in the last step of this issue are A M
  • Catalyst (Decoding challenge 12)
    • The two digits after the colon after decrypting the string B are L and Y

Corresponding the letters of each question to the position of the picture, that is:


Arrange 12 groups of letters from right to left and top to bottom (that is, the original image from top to bottom), that is:


So use this as the key and decode the first string zwzkuasljtrydmpfsnzluihd through Vigenere cipher and we get:


According to on = 1, th = 3converting this we get:


Therefore the passcode or the solution of the final decoding challenge of Ingress 13 archetypes decoding challenge by Niantic is


Finally, go to and put this passcode to get the media.

  1. Dreamer
  2. Interpreter
  3. Visionary
  4. Skeptic
  5. Listener
  6. Humanist
  7. Spiritualist
  8. Omniscient
  9. Explorer
  10. Alchemist
  11. Trickster
  12. Catalyst
  13. Patron

And here are all the passcodes that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game.

This series is over now, see you next time!
Hope it doesn’t stop there 🙂