Ingress [SOLVED] 13 Archetypes 2 Interpreter | Ingress decoding solution

Ingress 13 archetypes solution 2 sunny rabius sunny solved

Ingress 13 Archetypes: Interpreter

This is challenge 2, the Interpreter challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at

Words have never quite felt the same to you as to others. You can see through them, past the noise of thought, into the very mind of another. There, you can see their true feelings, ideas, and will untainted by the imperfections of language.

The result will be a Passcode.

Decode / Solution

It can be seen that the above paragraph has 7 hyperlinks, each pointing to an mp3 file, and the 7 letters are a o r g c e u

A word can be spelled out through these 7 letters courage. According to this order, 7 audio files are spelled into a file and then converted into a spectrum diagram to obtain an image.

After seven file download discoveries, wherein cis the file corresponding to the letters music file has Tag information. However, these 7 mp3 files are basically murmurs of about 1 to 2 seconds, and no information can be heard at all.

Ingress 13 archetypes solution 2 sunny rabius sunny

According to the order of the letters in the word C O U R A G E, the 7 audio files are pulled in audio editing software and merged. I used this online audio joining website:

Ingress Decoding Challenge 13 archetypes solution 2 Sunny Rabius Sunny decode audio join

Look, the audio files are put sequentially according to their order from COURAGE – look closely in the file names.

The exported mp3 file is now put into an online audio spectrogram creator (I used this: and converted into a spectrum diagram to obtain an image.

Ingress Decoding Challenge 13 archetypes solution 2 Sunny Rabius Sunny spectogram

It can be seen that there are 19 squares in this picture.

The key lies in these 19 squares, which contain the text used by Niantic’s fabricated Ingress third camp Nemesis, which is similar to Glyph.

I got it from here: Ingress-aurora-puzzle-final-outcome and from here at janus laboratorium and from here at Reddit Nemesis Translation

Ingress Decoding Challenge 13 archetypes solution 2 Sunny Rabius Sunny aurora nemesis

According to the Nemesis text conversion table, the above 19 patterns are converted into English letters and numbers.

Ingress Decoding Challenge 13 archetypes solution Sunny Rabius Sunny 2

which is the Passcode for this time GP4Y2VCASSANDRA13AR, and a Media is obtained after redemption.

Go to and put this passcode to get the media.

Meanwhile, you can visit other Ingress 13 Archetypes Solutions.
So here are the previous archetypes solutions and passcodes links.

  1. Dreamer
  2. Interpreter
  3. Visionary
  4. Skeptic
  5. Listener
  6. Humanist
  7. Spiritualist
  8. Omniscient
  9. Explorer
  10. Alchemist
  11. Trickster
  12. Catalyst
  13. Patron

And here specifically, are all the passcode that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators, and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at
Besides, click here for the free ingress codes: