Ingress [SOLVED] 13 Archetypes 6 Humanist | Ingress decoding solution

Ingress 13 Archetypes challenge 6 Humanist Ingress decoding solution
Ingress 13 Archetypes challenge 6 Humanist Ingress decoding solution

Ingress 13 Archetypes: Humanist

This is challenge 6, the Humanist challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at

humanist ingress game puzzle some QR code like image

The result will be a Passcode.

Decode / Solution

Look at the Barcode like image, it is actually a 27 × 27 grid of small blocks.

Look at the background of the image, a passage is hidden there, written in very low opacity in the background, I edited that in Photoshop to reveal the writings:

humanist ingress solution of the grid block QR code

Chakras, humors, spirits – – you realize they were all grasping at things you always understood naturally. The core essence of a human’s life force is a thing that you can touch and affect at will.

The question marks at the lower-left corner look like the format of the Passcode.

?? ?? ?? <*> ????

This trellis is actually an initial layout called Conway’s Game of Life.

The rules are:

Each cell has two states-alive or dead, and each cell interacts with the surrounding eight cells centered on itself (pictured, black is alive, white is dead)

When the current cell is in a living state, when there are less than 2 surrounding cells (excluding 2), the cell becomes dead. (Simulated life is scarce)

When the current cell is in a viable state, when there are 2 or 3 viable cells around, the cell remains as it is.

When the current cell is in a viable state, when there are more than 3 viable cells around, the cell becomes dead. (Too many simulated lives)

When the current cell is dead, when there are 3 surviving cells around, the cell becomes viable. (Simulation reproduction)

The initial cell structure can be defined as a seed. When all the cells in the seed are processed by the above rules at the same time, the first generation cell map can be obtained. Continue to process the current cell map in accordance with the rules, you can get the next generation of cell maps, and iterate.

Players who can play this game can directly calculate the next generation picture from the original picture, or from the code (see LeetCode Question 289) or the simulator.

The calculated figure is

QR code in Ingress 13 Archetypes challenge 6 Humanist

This is a two-dimensional code (QR Code), scan this and you will get the string of characters, which is the Solution passcode of the Ingress 13 Archetypes Challenge 6 Humanist solution and that is:


Redeem one Media by putting that in the game.

Humanist Ingress archetype smoky girl body

Or you can also go to from your browser and put this passcode AJTC8ADEVRA13AR to get the media.

Meanwhile, you can visit other Ingress 13 Archetypes Solution.
So here are the previous archetypes solutions and passcodes links.

  1. Dreamer
  2. Interpreter
  3. Visionary
  4. Skeptic
  5. Listener
  6. Humanist
  7. Spiritualist
  8. Omniscient
  9. Explorer
  10. Alchemist
  11. Trickster
  12. Catalyst
  13. Patron

And here specifically, are all the passcode that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at
Besides, Click here for the free ingress codes: