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Ingress 13 Archetypes: Spiritualist
This is challenge 7, the Spiritualist challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at
The key is password, not pàssword !!!
La Malinche will help you like she helped him.
Decode / Solution
La Malinche, according to Wikipedia, was nevertheless an indigenous Mexican woman who worked as a translator for the Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés and gave birth to a son.
In fact, there is a relevance with this Cortés with the hint “pàssword to password“. However, look at the difference between their spelling. If we change “pàssword to password“ then Cortés will be changed to cortes. However, that is the correct password. Hence, go to the given web link and input cortes as password and you will get this decrypted information:
Ingress 13 Archetypes 7 Spiritualist solution Part 2

Of course, This looks like a word-filling game, the question is what words to fill out. The hint was still on La Malinche. She is a translator, that is, she speaks Spanish and her native language Nahuatl Language, so the requirement of this question is to translate the following 6 English words into Nahuatl.
Flower -> xochitl
Grass -> malinalli
Ocelot -> ocelotl
Flint -> tecpatl
Rabbit -> tochtli
Water -> atl
It is worth mentioning that in the English-Nahuatl dictionary that can be found online, Grass is zacatl, but according to the introduction of the English Wikipedia La Malinche entry:
It has been popularly assumed since at least the 19th century that she was originally named “Malinalli” (Nahuatl for “grass”). Only then can we know the word.
At this point, take out the letters in the order of 6 words according to the hint of the puzzle, and you will get:
Furthermore, enter this as password at and click Unbin it, you will get the next part.
Ingress 13 Archetypes 7 Spiritualist solution Part 3
CryptoBin says: The Sphinx
The Sphinx devoured all travelers who could not answer the riddle it posed: “What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?”
Oedipus gave the answer, “Man,” causing the Sphinx’s death.
Man, woman, both, could have been the right answer
format: xxxxxx13ar
In the first place, Sphinx was a character in ancient Egyptian and Greek mythology, which originated from ancient Egyptian mythology. While this may be true, the hint in this question is the Egyptian god. For this purpose, if we look at the Egyptian god list entry in English Wikipedia, we can separate the above string of characters into the names of the Egyptian gods and label their genders.
maat hapi bastet nut kek mut pakhet tatenen geb sobek amunet anubis heqet hathor isis satet kek aker nu khnum nemty tatenen sekhmet shu anubis horus imentet
Consequently, you can now label Male = 1, female = 0, and Both = 2
maat 0
hapi 1
bastet 0
nut 0
kek 2
mut 0
pakhet 0
tatenen 2
geb 1
sobek 1
amunet 0
anubis 2
heqet 0
hathor 0
isis 0
satet 0
kek 2
aker 1
nu 2
khnum 1
nemty 1
tatenen 2
sekhmet 0
shu 1
anubis 2
horus 1
imentet 0
If we use 2 as the separator and place only 1 and 0 side by side, then we get:
Obviously, it looks like a morse code.
.-.. .. –. …. – — .- -.
Therefore, put this in the Morse code translator and you will get:
Finally, put the results of the second and third parts together and add 13AR to get:
Go to and put this passcode xmeahtlightman13ar to get the media.
Helpful Links:
Meanwhile, you can visit other Ingress 13 Archetypes Solution.
So here are the previous archetypes solutions and passcodes links.
- Dreamer
- Interpreter
- Visionary
- Skeptic
- Listener
- Humanist
- Spiritualist
- Omniscient
- Explorer
- Alchemist
- Trickster
- Catalyst
- Patron
And here specifically, are all the passcode that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at
Besides, click here for the free ingress codes: