Ingress [SOLVED] 13 Archetypes 8 Omniscient | Ingress decoding solution

Ingress 13 Archetypes challenge 8 Omniscient Ingress decoding solution
Ingress 13 Archetypes challenge 8 Omniscient Ingress decoding solution 13AR

Ingress 13 Archetypes 8: Omniscient

This is challenge 8, the Omniscient challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at

< code font size=”n2esab” pixel width=”4″ pixel depth=”^3″ > e4a4646494652374c4949565d423459494a5c454d4753574b4a544841565238594a5c464d4652374b4a56565f4253523b4a5c47555353555b4536544b4652385e494234554653574f425c465f42535237464c47455d4b485b45344849433b475e4a435747565357494a43464d4234554e4e4c47555453555b443d3d3d3d3d3d3 </code>

Decode / Solution

Firstly, look at the above puzzle. The following information are provided:

n2esab [written as code font size]
4^3=64 [pixel width and pixel depth]
e4a4646494652374c4949565d423459494a5c454d4753574b4a544841565238594a5c464d4652374b4a56565f4253523b4a5c47555353555b4536544b4652385e494234554653574f425c465f42535237464c47455d4b485b45344849433b475e4a435747565357494a43464d4234554e4e4c47555453555b443d3d3d3d3d3d3 [rest part of the given puzzle]

Ingress 13 Archetypes 8 Omniscient solution

Flip the word n2esab, so this n 2 e s a b becomes base2n in reverse!
Therefore, this puzzle is related to Base16, Base32, Base64 encoding method.

At this point, we have to reverse the text. Therefore, go to Afterwards, flipping the above long string, we get:


So, the corresponding characters according to ASCII are:


At this point, Flip it back again.


Remove the ======, and the rest all letters are capitalized, therefore, let us decode according to Base32 from here:


Of course, Flip it again:


At this point, Decode according to Base64 from


From this long string, take each 3 characters, and decode separately in Base64. For example: Y3c – ZGc – T0E – VGc … and so on. So Y3c gives cw, ZGc gives dg and so, in this way, we get:


Again, from this long string, take each 2 characters this time, and decode separately in Base64. For example: cw – dg – OA – Tg … and so on. So cw gives s, dg gives v and so, in this way, we get:


13ar in the last area! The passcode format! Therefore, the passcode for 13 archetype challenge 8 Omniscient is


Finally, go to and put this passcode sv8NTnalgorithm13ar to get the media.

Meanwhile, you can visit other Ingress 13 Archetypes Solution.
So here are the previous archetypes solutions and passcodes links.

  1. Dreamer
  2. Interpreter
  3. Visionary
  4. Skeptic
  5. Listener
  6. Humanist
  7. Spiritualist
  8. Omniscient
  9. Explorer
  10. Alchemist
  11. Trickster
  12. Catalyst
  13. Patron

And here specifically, are all the passcode that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at
Besides, Click here for the free ingress codes: