Ingress 13 Archetypes 9: Explorer
This is challenge 9, the Explorer challenge. Those who are keen of mind will find their way to a unique reward, and a place of glory. When you find your solution, enter the Passcode at
Decode / Solution
From the downloaded PDF, basically, we see this image.

In the image there are these lines written.
Decode this.
The key is
zqq.vorntuvr,oso.npvwuvup#rv.vwvwwrts,p.qqqrvruv#pt.otrrnqus,zvn.outrnovw#sq.spsqoruw,zp.pounnpvs#qu.swvoopun,opt.wpwwnwuw#rp.wvsttuvp,zvv.nvrnnnvr#sp.srqtsovp,oq.qrtqusvw#sq.ownrwnuq,s.wqnpvsuv#sq.swqrrwuo,w.wvnrqtvr#qr.ouqsvsup,zoou.vvrrvtuq#ro.swnoopvq,zwq.tpuoppvn#so.rowrrqvs,zn.ovsrntwn#zqv.nurtrnwn,orp.pwvuouut#ss.tvrtwutw,op.sotousqq |
Ingress 13 Archetypes 9 Explorer solution
In the long string in the key, copy the whole thing in MS word, replace all # with ^p (enter), you will get this.
zqq.vorntuvr, oso.npvwuvup
rv.vwvwwrts, p.qqqrvruv
pt.otrrnqus, zvn.outrnovw
sq.spsqoruw, zp.pounnpvs
qu.swvoopun, opt.wpwwnwuw
rp.wvsttuvp, zvv.nvrnnnvr
sp.srqtsovp, oq.qrtqusvw
sq .ownrwnuq, s.wqnpvsuv
sq.swqrrwuo, w.wvnrqtvr
qr.ouqsvsup, zoou.vvrrvtuq
ro.swnoopvq, zwq.tpuoppvn
so.rowrrqvs, zn.ovsrntwn
zqv.npwvtwot, twwotworp
So, the comma separated values make them look like GPS location coordinates in the form of Latitudes and Longitudes!
Now, look very carefully.
Only the letters n, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w and z are used. If we make it like,
n | 0 |
o | 1 |
p | 2 |
q | 3 |
r | 4 |
s | 5 |
t | 6 |
u | 7 |
v | 8 |
w | 9 |
z | – |
Now convert it accordingly by replacing them in MS word (Ctrl + H), you will see these coordinates.
26.16440375, -80.17640189
53.52531479, -2.21700285
42.98566782, -88.08400084
34.17358572, -117.88448673
41.59011283, -93.62712280
51.41944385, -0.18540690
Put these 14 coordinates into Google Earth, you will get the shapes of some Buildings, Rivers, Roads that look like English Alphabets!

Put them according to the corresponding coordinates and you get
-33.81406784,151.02897872 = T
48.89899465,2.33348478 = H
26.16440375, -80.17640189 = I
53.52531479, -2.21700285 = R
37.59811270,126.92990979 = T
42.98566782, -88.08400084 = E
52.54365182,13.34637589 = E
53.19049073,5.93028578 = N
53.59344971,9.98043684 = I
34.17358572, -117.88448673 = N
41.59011283, -93.62712280 = Z
51.41944385, -0.18540690 = U
-38.07464090,142.29871776 = L
55.68469769,12.51617533 = U
Surely, this looks like THIRTEEN is to be translated in Zulu! Let us go to Google Translator and put the word thirteen there, and in Zulu we get:
ishumi nantathu
This time, we move to the first part, where the instruction was “Decode this: glyiuajjpbnjjcviwydarpbeilrygstmfmednfrhtu“
This is a vigenère cipher. In this site, we will decode this long phrase with the key: ishumi nantathu and you get:
Put some space inside the words,
y trois wj cinq cinq persepolis key amsterdam roma
In French language,
trois = 3
cinq = 5
key = 13
amsterdam = 4
roma = r
Convert this accordingly and you get
So, solution of the Ingress 13 archetypes challenge 9 Explorer Passcode is
Finally, go to and put this passcode sv8NTnalgorithm13ar to get the media.
Helpful Links:
Meanwhile, you can visit other Ingress 13 Archetypes Solution.
So here are the previous archetypes solutions and passcodes links.
- Dreamer
- Interpreter
- Visionary
- Skeptic
- Listener
- Humanist
- Spiritualist
- Omniscient
- Explorer
- Alchemist
- Trickster
- Catalyst
- Patron
And here specifically, are all the passcode that will give you hundreds of Portal shields, power cubes, XMP bursters, ultra strikes, resonators and many more. Accordingly, type them at your Ingress passcode section in the game, or enter them at
Click here for the free ingress codes: